How to register for proxy voting

Voting by proxy, or a proxy vote, means that you let someone else vote on your behalf. If you are thinking about voting by proxy this accessible easy read My Vote My Voice webpage will guide you through how to register to do so.

You can register to vote by proxy for a lot of reasons. Some of these reasons are:
- you are registered blind

- you get the higher rate of the mobility component of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

- you need to work away from home on election day.

You can also explain why you think you should have a proxy vote.

You will need to be registered to vote if you want to vote by proxy.

When you are registered to vote you need to tell your local council that you want to vote by proxy. This is called registering for a proxy vote.

There will be a deadline to register for the proxy vote before each election.

If you are not registered to vote, click here to visit this My Vote My Voice accessible webpage to find out how to register.

If you are already registered to vote you can register to vote by proxy online. Click here to go to the Electoral Commission website where you can register for a proxy vote.

What the form asks you
When you register to vote by proxy you will need to tell them:
- your name

- the address where you are registered to vote

- the details of the person you have chosen to vote for you. This person must be registered to vote and be able to vote at this election

- How long you want a proxy vote for

You will also need someone who is approved to support your application:
- a doctor, dentist, pharmacist or nurse

- a social worker

- a manager of a residential care home.

Next, it’s time to prepare to vote by proxy!
Click here to visit our accessible easy read webpage to find out how to vote by proxy.