We have used a BBC comparison tool to create resources about issues that are important to each party.
United Response have put together, and will keep updating, the new easy read general election party comparison webpages.
Here are summaries of some of the key social care pledges that have been made by the main parties, and that relate to funding and workforce.
Here are links to all available easy read manifestos.
Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among Northern Ireland’s smaller political parties and what they each stand for.
Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among Wales’s smaller political parties and what they each stand for.
Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among Scotland’s smaller political parties and what they each stand for.
Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among England’s smaller political parties and what they each stand for.
Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among Northern Ireland’s main political parties and what they each stand for.
Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among Wales’s main political parties and what they each stand for.
More resources coming soon.