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I am an organisation

If voting is inaccessible then we don’t live in a democracy. Make a difference. Join My Vote My Voice today.

Why My Vote My Voice matters

There are 1.5 million people with learning disabilities in the UK, and 700,000 autistic people. That’s a lot of people power! Imagine how much more attention policymakers would pay to us if half of those people – or even a quarter – were to vote.  

That’s where My Vote My Voice comes in. 

Our charter

We will encourage people with learning disabilities and autistic people to use their vote. 

We will do this by:

  • Sharing accessible resources
  • Encouraging people to share their experience of taking part in voting
  • Promoting the My Vote My Voice campaign
  • Involving people with lived experience in this campaign
  • Championing the voting rights of people with a learning disabilities and autism

How you can help

We can produce the resources, but we can’t reach everyone.

That’s why we’re asking you – fellow social care providers, family networks, campaigning, advocacy and self-advocacy groups across the country – to join the My Vote My Voice campaign.

Together we can support everyone to exercise their right to vote.

Sign our charter and in return, we’ll display your organisation’s name and logo on our website and campaign promotional activity.

What’s coming up

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