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Who we are

My Vote My Voice is a campaign developed by United Response, Dimensions, Mencap, Ambitious About Autism and the people who draw on our care and support.

Together we’re campaigning to remove voting barriers and raise awareness about people with learning disabilities and autistic people’s right to vote.

The campaign has been funded by the UK Democracy Fund, a Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust initiative.

Our current campaign is made possible by support from The Electoral Commision.

Find out more about each organisation below.


Dimensions provide personalised support for people with learning disabilities and autism. We help people to be actively engaged with, and contribute to, their communities. Our services include outreach, housing, supported employment and supported living.
Dimensions website

United Response

United Response supports adults and young people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, autism and mental health support needs. Our services support with things like employment, education, housing and community services.
United Response website


Mencap is a network of over 300 local groups. Together we provide support services for people with learning disabilities and their families. We also run community projects, schemes and events to recognise the achievements of people we support.
Mencap website

Ambitious About Autism

Ambitious About Autism provide support for autistic children and young people and their families. We offer specialist education services and employment opportunities. We also deliver training and consultancy to improve awareness and understanding of autism.
Ambitious About Autism website