Flexible Voting Options
- My Vote My Voice supports the development and ready availability of flexible voting methods for disabled voters during all election cycles.
- We recommend the following measures:
- Providing choice to voters on which days are most suitable for them to cast their ballots, either in-person or by proxy, including earlier dates than the scheduled polling day.
- Use of coordinated electronic registers by local authorities (in tandem with automatic voter registration).
- Implementing a coordinated public awareness-raising campaign from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, supported by the Electoral Commission, charities, and disabled persons’ organisations.
- These options would benefit autistic people and people with learning disabilities who may struggle in environments such as polling stations, where busy periods are hard to predict and which may be harder to travel to.
Further information
Advance voting pilots evaluation (The Electoral Commission, July 2022)
Written Statement: Update on Flexible Voting Pilots (Welsh Government, March 2022)