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Frecuently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is My Vote My Voice’s mission?

My Vote My Voice is on a mission to ensure that every disabled person can access their right to vote. We work to remove barriers, provide resources, and advocate for change.

Who is in the My Vote My Voice Steering Group?

Our steering group is made up of people with lived experience of autism, learning and other disabilities. They advise and guide the work that we do. The steering group also includes representatives from United Response, Dimensions, and Mencap, our organisational partners.

Many of our steering group members are also our spokespeople. Learn more about our spokespeople here.

How are we funded?

Our current campaign is made possible by support from The Electoral Commision and in the past the campaign has been funded by the UK Democracy Fund, a Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust initiative.

How do we make sure our resources are accessible?

We work closely with autistic people and people with learning disabilities to co-create, review, and update our easy-read resources. Explore our resources here.

We work iteratively. If you feel there is something that could be improved on any of our resources, please get in touch at