Find out more
Why My Vote My Voice mattersMy Vote My Voice is on a mission to make voting accessible for everyone.
Who we areMy Vote My Voice is a campaign developed by United Response, Dimensions, Mencap, Ambitious About Autism and the people who draw on our care and support.
Who has joined My Vote My VoiceReal change is achieved together; so we want as many organisations and groups to join our campaign and sign the My Vote My Voice charter.
Our accessible voting championsOur Accessible Voting Champions have signed up to champion the voting rights of their constituents that are autistic or who have a learning disability.
Meet our spokespeopleMeet our campaign spokespeople, who are subject experts and people with learning disabilities and autism.
Our positionsLearn more about our ideas to mobilise more autistic people and people with learning disabilities to use their democratic rights.
Press officeIf you work in the media and would like to find out more about accessible voting, we’d love to hear from you.
Frecuently Asked Questions (FAQ)